Thank you for this article. The idea that we can find our own meaning in life, even when things seem chaotic, really stood out to me. It reminded me of the parents we work with at Mendability, who often struggle to make sense of their challenges in raising children with special needs. Your positive take on embracing life’s chaos could be very inspiring for them.

We’re currently putting together some helpful guides for our team to better support these parents, and I think your thoughts on finding personal meaning could enhance our resources.

I’d love to share your article with our community of about 20,000 parents, educators, and health professionals. How about we swap resources? We could promote your work to our list, and you could share our guides with your readers. It could be a great way to help more people who could benefit from our help.

Are you interested?

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Loved the breakdown of "Live the life of revolution"

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Thank you, Joe!

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Loved this one! I also talk a lot about how many people consider absurdism a pessimistic philosophy when it’s actually the exact opposite. While existentialism says you can create your own meaning however you want, I find that absurdism is more like “you don’t even need to find a higher meaning, and that’s liberating!” 💫

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That's exactly what I found out too. Love it now. Thanks for reading!

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My mother egg and papa sperm were alive before my conception. Whose life were they carrying? My absurd take is that that life before conception is God life. And after conception where did God life go? Still in me. God lives in each of us and if in absurd, ask the God in for meaning.

Additionally you were born without manual for life and so don't look for a manual from the universe... God gave you five senses.. touch, hear, see, taste and smell and gave you intuition and/or intellect to reason for what feels good... double on it otherwise eliminate.

The universe is telling you that you came to it without manual and without meaning... your job on earth is the find what feels good... through your senses...and keep enjoying it until decline...then detach and search for the next feels good and attach... until you die...thus the absurdism is that some people can't find nothing on their own...expect to be given by the universe...and the universe is telling you that I am here for you but you must decide what you need on your own and then only ask and I will obey! You ask nothing... you get nothing...if you need meaning... you free to create one... but if waiting to be given one... keep waiting for none is coming... hence the absurdism of life... you came alone, expected to live alone and eventually die alone... what you do in-between is up to you...

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Absurdism combined with connecting to a personal higher power works for me. Lost, bankrupt, I flipped my car over in a ditch. How did I get there? My lover, alcohol, stabbed me in the back. It had been ruining my life well before that, but I chose to overlook it because I trusted it, loved it, despite betrayal after betrayal. That was 36 years ago. Since then, I have been sober and created an app called SoberTool which has evolved into the Sober App! My new book helps anyone with any addiction. It gives daily strategies and introduces the ACT Method of Recovery which is simple to use. Check it out:

SOBER, not just dry: 365 Daily Addiction and Alcoholism Recovery Messages for Sobriety and Joy https://a.co/d/fqwUz1s

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