Hello there, nice to have you back. I am exploring a Toltec practice called ‘not doing’ which encourages us to break habits/patterns by doing the opposite of what we normally do. My first one is to stop doom scrolling on my phone. I am on retreat for the all of December and I can really feel the withdrawal symptoms - what might I miss!. So I wonder what mimetic presssure I am at affect of. Great inquiry - much appreciation to you. Ann

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As you say, we've likely all had our share of inauthentic desires derived from other people and from social expectations. It's important to be aware of it and recognize the buttons that are being pushed, as in advertising that attempts to subtly convince people that if you buy product x, you too will arrive at beautiful destination y.

It's a crock of course, but apparently an effective one. It's good to see folks like yourself advocating for a different path. Thanks for the article!

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